I moved to Liverpool, NY, in 1975, along with my parents. We moved into this area known as Grenadier Village, which had a bunch of brick apartment complexes already built, but they were working on putting together a bunch of townhouses at the time. We moved into one of those, where only 2 of the townhouses were finished at the time, as each complex would end up having 4. In a way, it reminded me of the military housing I was used to living in, with the differences being having a one car garage and a laundry area, and it was new which means it was extremely clean. 🙂

It was a few days before our furniture and stuff showed up at the townhouse so we could finally put things together. Being only 15 years old, I wasn’t asked to do much except stay out of the way; yay! They pulled my bicycle out, and after checking the tires I was off to explore the new place that I’d call home for 6 years.
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I begin this story by sharing links to two stories I wrote in 2015 about Great Northern and Destiny USA, never considering the possibility that one mall would be totally gone, while the other feels like it’s dying fast, and might not be viable in another 3 years. Am I depressed… yes! When I wrote […]

It’s New Years Day across the country; hope everyone had a safe and possibly exciting New Years Eve. I stayed in the house; that’s how I roll. 🙂 What have I been thinking about? Syracuse basketball, of course. I also started thinking that I haven’t written anything specific about the Syracuse area in quite a […]

This isn’t usually the kind of topic I’d write about on this particular blog. However, as I haven’t written anything here in the longest time, and I have a blog related subject upcoming on the blog I’d usually post stuff like this one, I thought it was time to freshen things up a bit and […]

When I first started this blog, it was with the intention of only writing about local things, local events, local restaurants, etc. A lot of that disappeared just before Covid, and of course when I had to start giving more care to my mother than she needed when she first moved in with me. In […]