I moved to Liverpool, NY, in 1975, along with my parents. We moved into this area known as Grenadier Village, which had a bunch of brick apartment complexes already built, but they were working on putting together a bunch of townhouses at the time. We moved into one of those, where only 2 of the townhouses were finished at the time, as each complex would end up having 4. In a way, it reminded me of the military housing I was used to living in, with the differences being having a one car garage and a laundry area, and it was new which means it was extremely clean. 🙂
It was a few days before our furniture and stuff showed up at the townhouse so we could finally put things together. Being only 15 years old, I wasn’t asked to do much except stay out of the way; yay! They pulled my bicycle out, and after checking the tires I was off to explore the new place that I’d call home for 6 years.
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