This isn’t usually the kind of topic I’d write about on this particular blog. However, as I haven’t written anything here in the longest time, and I have a blog related subject upcoming on the blog I’d usually post stuff like this one, I thought it was time to freshen things up a bit and […]
This is going to be something different than I normally post. It’s been a while since I posted something about local events; that’s the normal part. The non-normal part is that this article is going to be mainly pictures. For the last bunch of years I’ve wanted to share images of my visits to the […]
Recently I spent an entire weekend at Turning Stone Casino in Oneida. I go to the casino all the time, but I hadn’t spent more than a day there since 2001, when I was there in an official capacity and before I started playing poker as much as I play now. front of casino I […]
I’m not a major fan of the big local newspaper but I’ve always had an affinity for the smaller periodicals and a couple of the newspapers. I remember years ago when we had The Call, which was the local black newspaper run by Eddie Moss, and of course I’ve been a fan of the Syracuse […]
On another blog of mine, I’ve given tips on how to find topics to write about if you have a niche blog. Those same tips can apply to writing a blog like this, which isn’t as much of a niche blog as it is a blog of love of the area and, well, pretty much […]