I read and consume a lot of books; I’ve done so over the years. I read books for fun, books for business, motivational books, science books, history books… let’s just say I read often, even listening to books in the car instead of listening to the radio. When people put together lists like this one, […]
Back in February I wrote my almost annual 5 Wishes For Central New York post. For the first time some of those things were actually accomplished; yay! I wish I could claim credit for some of them but I know I had absolutely nothing to do with it; sigh… lol This year I’m doing something […]
I’m not gonna lie; I’m big into stores that sell “stuff”! I love walking around just looking at stuff of all types, whether it’s tools, fabrics, pictures, even drug stores and supply stores. I have no idea why I like stores like this; probably the colors and the eclectic tastes they offer, along with tons […]
By now everyone in central New York realizes that Tim Horton’s for this area is history. For whatever reason, which I’m sure we’ll hear about at some point, they have pulled out of the area, costing a lot of people their jobs, and a few people their favorite coffee. Frankly, I’m not a fan; never […]
It’s interesting to note that Destiny and Great Northern opened close to the same time. From where I live, I’m about 10 minutes from each of them. I’ve gloried in the success of Destiny and worried about what looks like the demise of Great Northern. In my mind, both malls should be doing well, but […]