Every year the Liverpool Library in Liverpool NY (for those who don’t live in central New York) puts up art by a black artist that depicts either a historical perspective on things or a sample of what black life is like during Black History Month.

This year is no exception, as I found out when I finally went to the library yesterday and took what are definitely not the best captures of paintings, and yet even as bad a job as I did in taking them you can see the powerful imagery in each one of them. I love this kind of art, so real and capturing emotions one can appreciate and understand because I sometimes feel I’ve been there.

This year’s artist is named London Ladd, a Syracuse University graduate and a lifelong resident of the city as well. He talks about his art as a combination of traditional styles with a modern twist. He has studied art, learning both in college and from other artists and illustrators across the country. And his artwork has been featured in magazines, children’s books, murals and album covers.

I don’t have much more to add, and I can only hope the couple of examples I’m showing encourage you to hurry over to the library before they’re gone. Also, you can click on the link in his name to see his website.