Yesterday I made my first visit to the Movie Tavern out in Camillus to see the Rogue One movie. I’m not going to lie; I thought it was a lot of stuff and nonsense when I heard about the concept but at this point I’m a true believer.

Movie Tavern Camillus

The first thing to know is that it’s not on Genesee Street; if I hadn’t been riding with some other folks I might have never found it. When we got there a fence had fallen due to the high winds, thus reducing the ride to a short one line road. I’m not sure if there was another way in but I hope that’s something they fix pretty soon.

Parking seems to be a premium also, as in my friend Scott had to drop his daughter and I off so he could find a place to park; that might be something they need to work on if possible. We eventually saw him almost 5 minutes later; luckily he’d already purchased the tickets so we didn’t have to wait in line at the box office.

When you first go inside you immediately notice a sit down restaurant to the left, right across from the box office. That’s for people who don’t want to eat during the movie. Of course that’s the point of going to the Movie Tavern in the first place; ordering food and eating it while the movie is playing… at least that’s what I wanted to experience.

The theater area isn’t overly large as far as the number of seats, and that’s probably because the seats recline… what?!?!? 🙂

I obviously found that pretty amazing! I reclined throughout the movie, though I have to admit that often I reclined my back but wanted my feet on the floor. I might be a little weird in that way but at least I was comfortable.

Just before the previews came on a waitress came around to take our order. They give you both a menu of their special items and their regular menu. There were a lot of choices on both menus, but I wasn’t in the mood for a full meal. I’m not sure there are a lot of restaurants in the Syracuse area that offer both milkshakes and mixed drinks, but this place does. I thought about going for a milkshake, but instead ordered my traditional diet soda… and nachos!

nachos with steak

This was a monster batch, and I asked for them with steak to add to the effect, since I don’t like all the extra fixings many people enjoy. They were tasty, although they had a slight kick, but I didn’t come close to finishing it off. I did eat too many though; I haven’t done that sort of thing in a long time…

Everything else about the movie experience was pretty standard, except that close to the end of the movie the waitress came back to hand us our checks. My nachos and diet soda (free refills), along with 4 chocolate chip cookies (which I shared) came to $23; all in all I didn’t think that was outrageous at all.

The venue can offer up to 14 different showings of movies, with a few of the theaters being 3-D. I think it was a very pleasant experience and if they solve their parking issues I won’t mind going the extra few miles for such a pleasant movie event.