How often do you go to a local library? I have to admit I don’t go as often as I used to. I do end up at the Liverpool Public Library at least once a month because of my writer’s group, but other than that, I stop in occasionally when I’m in the mood for something specific or, if I’m paying attention, to participate in one of their events.

It turns out every library has things like this, and I’m going to talk about two presentations that are going to occur at the Dewitt Community Library on March 7th and March 14th, starting at 7PM. That’s because I’m going to be the presenter for both of these, and it would be great if you came or at least told others about it if you thought they’d be interested.

That’s two Mondays in a row, and lucky for me, there’s no Syracuse University games on either of those Mondays; whew! I know you’re asking “Mitch, what are the presentations on?”

The first presentation is on social media and is titled Increase Your Success With Social Media, and I’ll be talking about social media and how one could benefit from using it. I’m qualified to do this presentation because of the presentations I gave last year at Greek Peak on the same topic, only much longer. This presentation and the second one will be an hour long.

The second is titled Optimize Your Website’s Potential. In that presentation I’ll talk about why people in business need websites, creating a website that’s functional, creating a website that’s not “over the top”, and tips on optimization. I’m qualified to do this one as well, as I’m into year four of providing those types of services.

Of course, for both the idea will be to make sure I can keep to only an hour while providing something tangible that people might be able to use, as well as be able to answer questions. But I’ll get it done; I’m supposed to be a professional after all. And yes, for those who aren’t all that familiar with it, the library is in Shoppingtown Mall; you can come get your “shop on”, then come down and see me. 🙂

Anyway, here’s the link to the flyer, a pdf file, talking about the presentations, and if you’re going they’d like a RSVP. And, because I’ve mentioned both, check out the links to programs for both the Liverpool Library and the Dewitt Library. Library programs are free, and you’ll never know what you could learn or enjoy.