I write a lot of posts on this blog that begin with the number 5. Some of them have been on the same topic I’m going to discuss today, that being things I wish for central New York. The last one of these I did was in 2014. I missed last year; oops! Because I […]

A few weeks ago I had an occasion to go to Destiny USA to see a movie. I was intent on seeing the movie Ender’s Game on the IMAX screen. What was supposed to just be going to see a movie turned into a little bit of an adventure. The adventure started outside, where I […]

A couple of days ago I decided to take my goofy self to Carousel Mall to see the new areas of what will be called Destiny USA come August. The previous time I’d been there I’d only seen one little corridor and didn’t think much of it. But it’s drastically changed now. The first thing […]