I Hate Syracuse.com!
Posted by Mitch Mitchell on Feb 2, 2011
Okay, that’s a bit over the top, so let me say this; I don’t really hate Syracuse.com. As a matter of fact, for a local newspaper online I think they do a very credible job of getting the news out to us. What I’ll say is that I don’t like one main thing in particular.
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That one thing would be the comments section at the end of every story. There hasn’t been one story where the comments have helped move a single article along. Most of the time it’s trolls, of course, and because they have nothing to do they can take a story like when we were going through the Jenni-Lyn Watson story in this area back in December and make it about themselves instead of a young lady who was murdered. It was hard to believe that some people thought this was funny and something to be mocked.
And Syracuse.com let those comments stay. I doubt that there wasn’t a single person who didn’t put through something saying those comments weren’t abuse or inappropriate, but if so then there’s either something wrong with the rest of us, or with Syracuse.com, or, as I’ve now gotten to do, we just try hard not to go any further once we realize the story is completed.
Of course they’re not alone. Some of the major news sources do the same thing. CNN and MSNBC, two online news sources I regularly check, take comments as well. The idea of anonymity online is a horrible thing when it allows the kind of sniping and inconsiderate banter like what I see here to go on. And it’s not just news; ESPN and Sports Illustrated allow fans to hide behind fake names and write the same kind of filth.
This concept of freedom of speech is skewed to a degree. Freedom of speech is paramount to the Constitution; what’s not paramount is freedom of speech everywhere. Yelling “fire” in a movie theater will get you arrested. Say the word “bomb” at an airport and you’re probably getting banned from flying for awhile.
If these online newspapers are so much for freedom of speech, why don’t they print the bad words people say? Ah, see, they can censor. Why don’t they print the bloodiest of images on their sites? Why don’t they post the names of children who are molested, women who say they’ve been raped and the like? Oh right, we have to protect the victims. What if they’re lying?
To me, there needs to be more accountability and responsibility on the part of Syracuse.com, as well as other news sources. Stop letting people use fake names when making comments. Make them use their real names and put the city where they live as well. What, you mean that’s scary, that they wouldn’t have any privacy? Well, last week CNYCentral.com, and then WSTM news (probably other news sources did the same once the name was out there) decided privacy didn’t matter when they posted the name of the person accused of animal cruelty in Utica.
What, you say that was different because it was a crime? Actually, turns out it wasn’t a crime; it was deplorable, but it wasn’t a real crime. This guy can’t be charged with anything; maybe the laws should be changed but that’s not the point here. If Syracuse.com, CNYCentral.com, and any of the others news sources around the country really want to benefit the community and create a true dialogue, make people reveal their real names and which city they live in.
Will that stifle conversation? Probably. But if what we have now is what you consider true conversation, I’ll say no thanks, and shame on you at the same time.
Totally agree! They should turn off comments for most of the stories except where they want comments like an opinion article or review. I know you do not like moderated blogs and such but, IMO, Syracuse.com should moderate the comments in some fashion.
Oh, and one more grip about Syracuse.com: Why do they take total (and I mean total) rights of any photo or article uploaded to them. When I did years ago, I found my photos being use for articles written by their staff. Talk about free use!!! Wonder if they published any of mine in the paper as well? Okay..this is your post so I will stop now. 🙂
Well, I didn’t know the thing about the images, but I”ll let that be your rant. lol The comments thing, though, it major league irritating and it either needs to go or it needs to change. I remember talking to some folks there about it last year & was told they were going to be changing it; a year later, nothing.
So this is syracusewiki.com. I thought it’s about that city of Syracuse in Sicily LOL!
But yea, you got a point. Freedom of expression but no foul language, please? Well…
You’re funny Anne; I never even think about Italy whenever I mention Syracuse. As to the rest, I fully agree; seeing meanness just takes away from everything else.
You are so right…I’ve read some nasty comments on some of them!
BTW- love the site!
Will spread the word…..
Thanks Carolee; I think I’m scaring some of the local folks initially. lol
We seem to have moved beyond the point where people can say anything they want, whether or not it’s true. I think we’ve arrived at a place where a lot of other people don’t even care, as long as the air and the space is being filled with something. So where do we go from here?
Charles, I think it’s still possible to bring back at least a little bit of civility. I almost hate going this route but it really does start with parents; have you heard how some kids talk to parents or what they say in front of them these days and get away with it? That and this thing about “you can do or say anything you want without consequences” thing, which is a lie; people are actually shocked when bad things happen to them because of their behavior. What ever happened to consequences anyway? In any case, the media has to help in some form. This Teen Mom thing on TV is a great example. They’d rather get ratings and make a lot of money while sitting there watching people do things that, as it turns out, are criminal, and then absolve themselves by saying it’s not their responsibility. Sorry, but once you’re the one paying for something, it’s your responsibility. It’s the same whether it’s a house, puppy, or website.
At least that’s how I see it.
You know, some of the news sites have come up with more rigorous methods of moderating comments. Some don’t post comments until they’ve been screened by an editor. Some turn off the ability to comment after a certain time. Some are ramping up efforts to delete offending comments. News sites are looking for multiple ways of engaging readers, and allowing and encouraging people to comment is one way. I think most of us in the news biz agree that offensive comments are not only mean but can undermine our community-building efforts.
Love the idea of syracusewiki……will this be “all things Syracuse?”
Hi Amber,
First, yes, my expectation is that this blog will only talk about all things Syracuse and central New York, although if it happens to include global stuff that somehow connects to this area, I’ll write on that as well. Kind of like this topic, since it not only pertains to our local online newspaper.
Some might say I’m calling for censorship; nothing of the sort. I’m calling for accountability, kind of like blogging. If someone feels the need to be intentionally stupid or mean, let them use their real name so people know exactly the type of person they are. If they don’t want people knowing they’re jerks, then they shouldn’t be jerks, right? And I’ve seen a couple of news sites lately doing just what you’ve stated; sure, it might take a little bit of effort, but the discourse will be so much better and the news sites will be seen in a better light as well.
I really do hate Syracuse. Go Buffalo!
Well now, I don’t hate Syracuse! lol I don’t actually hate syracuse.com either, just hate the comments.
I think most of us in the news biz agree that offensive comments are not only mean but can undermine our community-building efforts.
It’s possible Rain, but some of the folks I’ve talked to admit that their advertisers like seeing comments, even bad ones.
I think we’ve arrived at a place where a lot of other people don’t even care, as long as the air and the space is being filled with something.
That could be Kerry. I know that I hate reading beyond news stories on almost every site I go to now.