
I feel like I’m outing all my mother’s personal information without her consent. I also feel that I’m going to help others because of what I’m writing here. This is a major learning experience for me, nothing I really expected… well, maybe a couple of these things I knew existed, but not to the degree […]

Well… at least these are unique to me. I’m sure everyone who lives in the area has pictures that are unique to them, and some of them might look exactly like some of these. What I’ve tried to do is highlight some of what’s unique to central New York in a different way than many […]

This is day 26 of my blogging journey here on Syracuse Wiki, and I have to admit that I almost gave up this challenge after I had to deal with mother issues, which you might have seen in this post about taking responsibility for your parents. It would have been as easy “out” and pretty […]


Have you ever sat down and written a stream of consciousness? By that, I mean you don’t have one single thing to expound; instead, you have a lot of things you have general thoughts about without getting too deep into them? I’ve done a couple of videos on this type of thing over the years […]

Well… talk about timing. The same day my post about taking responsibility for your parents came out, my mother fell in her house. She fell around 3AM, and the post went out at 9:30; that’s the thing about writing things ahead of time because there’s no way I’d have had a post had I waited. […]