
It’s taken me a long time to decide to finally write this. There are a lot of stories about people who have mental issues being homeless, living on the street, and needing better accommodations. There are also a lot of articles that talk about the need to help those who are having these difficulties. darkday […]

Did you know that the biggest problem older people have physically is that they lose their flexibility? Truthfully, most of the injuries that we get after the age of 30 have more to do with a loss of flexibility than anything else. Why do we have these problems? Sarah Siblik via Compfight We have these […]

A disclosure; I’ve never known anything about marijuana, hemp, or any of the other words people have used for this stuff over the decades. I subscribed to the old belief that it was a dangerous drug, and I didn’t take drugs. Heck, I didn’t learn how to swallow pills until I was in my mid […]

Suffice it to say that my life has been turned almost upside down since my mother moved in with us back near the end of January. One true way of seeing that is that this is the first post I’ve written on this blog since the end of my 31 days in a row of […]

Let’s get this out of the way; I hate going to the dentists! This is a long standing fear that was established when I was a kid. Unlike a lot of today’s dentistry, back when I was a kid dentists could have cared less whether you were a kid or an adult. Not only that […]