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Diabetes is a horrible disease to deal with, and it’s also one of the fastest growing diseases in the world. There’s a lot that’s been said about it, which is a good thing. It’s also a bad thing because people who aren’t diabetic read one article and think they know everything there is to know […]

I live in what’s known as the Elmcrest area of Liverpool, NY, or Clay if you prefer. Elmcrest is the first street every car turns on that’s looking to get into the rest of the neighborhood. This is the stop sign At the first 3-way conversion there are 3 stop signs, which means traffic is […]

There are things that aren’t normally in my knowledge base. Yet, years ago I realized it was time to find a way to reduce my winter heating bill. Then I remembered that about 24 years ago my ex and I had a kerosene heater in an apartment where we didn’t need one since heat was […]

I remember reading an article by CNN some years ago titled ‘The older you are, the worse the hospital is for you’. Initially I thought it was a bit over the top when it came to elderly care while they’re in the hospital. Unfortunately, they weren’t far from the mark, and did touch upon some […]

It’s taken me a long time to decide to finally write this. There are a lot of stories about people who have mental issues being homeless, living on the street, and needing better accommodations. There are also a lot of articles that talk about the need to help those who are having these difficulties. darkday […]