Archive for January, 2017

I’ve lived in Liverpool, NY, my entire adult life. In total I’ve been here almost 42 years; that’s older than most of the people I know. I’ve lived in multiple apartments within a 3 mile radius during that time period. What’s funny is that the first time I rode my bike down the street in […]

The first time I remember visiting Oswego, I came upon an area in Fulton where there was this marvelous chocolate smell in the air… something I’d never encountered before in my life. I was to learn that there was a Nestle’s chocolate factory, and almost every time I ended up passing through there I’d come […]

I guess I didn’t plan this correctly. I usually highlight my milestone posts every 100, but in the midst of writing a post a day in January it seems I just noticed that I had crossed the 200 post mark by a couple of posts. Since I’ve already postdated those other posts, and I’m not […]

I know, this is a pretty broad topic. That’s because I’m going to jump around and talk about 5 different types of things, so it’s not all specifically seasonal or food or restaurants or whatever. These are just 5 things I’ve noticed over the years that will help you save a bit of money, some […]

Last Friday night I got a text message from my friend Scott. He told me that Muddy Waters, a Cajun restaurant in Baldwinsville, which I’d written positively about regarding their shrimp and grits, was closing for good when they shut down on Saturday night. The reason he told me this is because one of the […]